Urban Orbit Focus Group: Smart Cities Marketplace


The Urban Orbit Focus Group is a new initiative developed by Eurisy in collaboration with ICLEI within the Smart Citities Maketplace of the European Commission.

Smart Cities Marketplace European Commission

The Urban Orbit Focus Group is designed to support local public authorities in urban areas by helping them make informed decisions for sustainable, long-term solutions to the challenges posed by climate change and urbanization. It targets cities, which are particularly vulnerable due to their high population densities and close proximity to citizens. The focus group provides a platform for local decision-makers, industries, investors, researchers, and other smart cities stakeholders to collaborate, prioritize needs, and leverage geospatial data to create accessible and innovative solutions for sustainable urban development, mostly focusing on space solutions, from Earth Observation to navigation services.

Objectives of the Focus Group:

Urban Orbit Focus Group Survey

Do you want to play your part?

The Urban Orbit Focus Group wants to hear your own voice to better understand your needs. Keep an eye on our social media platforms to be the first to know when the survey on smart cities priorities and geospatial data use becomes available.