Eurisy creates networks between space and society
Eurisy is a Paris based, non-profit association gathering space agencies, international organisations, research institutions, and private businesses involved or interested in space-related activities across Europe.
To fulfil its scope, Eurisy stimulates dialogue and collaboration between public institutions at any level, SMEs, industry and academia from the space and non-space sectors. The goal is to build solid relations with communities new to space, to encourage innovative uses of satellite applications to respond to today’s challenges and to share experiences among professionals from different backgrounds.
The association was created in 1989 under French law, at the initiative of Hubert Curien, former ESA Council Chair and French Minister of Education. Eurisy is mandated by its members to act as a facilitator to fully exploit the synergies to bridge space and society. For over three decades, Eurisy has worked to put civil society at the core of the space value chain.
We raise awareness on innovative uses of satellite navigation, communication and Earth observation that can benefit society.
By supporting the take-up of satellite applications and by facilitating dialogue between space and non-space communities.
Based on our work with civil society, we provide our members, partners and decision makers at local, national and European levels with bottom-up feedback on user needs and challenges.
How we operate
Eurisy identifies success stories of use of satellite applications in the public and private sectors and invites user organisations to share their experiences within workshops, conferences and projects.
Eurisy works closely with civil society to observe, understand and document the obstacles and opportunities in the use of space-based innovation on Earth. This is the basis for Eurisy’s feedback to the space community and to policy-makers.
Eurisy designs and manages events as platforms to teach, learn and innovate across numerous sectors. We add value to innovation projects by involving users, championing their needs and facilitating the dialogue between them and the space stakeholders.
We also produce case-studies and articles on user experiences, to be featured on the association’s website and printed publications. Furthermore, Eurisy provides its members and decision makers with specific policy recommendations deriving from quantitative and qualitative analysis, surveys and interviews.
Eurisy’s strong relations with local and regional authorities, SMEs, public institutions and larger companies from across Europe have allowed it to act as a catalyst for the use of geospatial services.
Enjoying active support from its members, in particular the Europan Space Agency (ESA), Eurisy has contributed tremendously to the emergence of new key areas of attention for space technologies, such as climate change, water management, search and rescue operations, smart cities, cultural heritage, gaming and many more.
For over three decades now, Eurisy takes on the challenges of reaching new actors to bring space and society closer together. With its broad experience in carrying out cooperation between governmental, inter-governmental, non-governmental institutions, and business. Eurisy’s expertise lies within the roles of a facilitator, matchmaker and advisor.
The European Union has been investing public funds in satellite infrastructure.
This infrastructure is a common good, whose cost has been borne mainly by European taxpayers. The Galileo and Copernicus programmes generate geospatial services which are expected to support EU policy goals in matters of environment, health, transport, energy, climate change and the management of natural resources. In addition, they are expected to generate new jobs, enterprise and innovation in the EU.
However, only when these new services become well known and widely used by society will expected returns on satellite investments be fully reached. Eurisy is therefore mandated by its Members to make these investments and services known to the intended user communities in civil society.
Galileo is the European Union’s civilian global satellite navigation system (the "European GPS"). It provides accurate, guaranteed global positioning services, compatible and complementary to the American GPS and other alternatives.
EU’s Copernicus programme is a hub of environment and risk information relying on many sources of data, including Earth Observation satellites.

Eurisy membership
Eurisy’s unique membership structure of institutional organisations acting collectively as a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, guarantees Eurisy’s independence and neutrality. Eurisy offers a setting for stakeholders from different professional sectors to work collectively towards the full transfer of the potential benefits of space to society.
Eurisy’s members are fully aware of the need to anchor space in broader policy frameworks at political, economic and societal levels. Membership to Eurisy means joining a large community of space agencies, industry and international organisations committed to working with civil society to boost and unlock the societal benefits of data and services enabled by space.
By connecting the needs of end-user communities and service providers, with opportunities coming from satellite-based services, Eurisy creates new networks of collaboration beyond the traditional boundaries of the space community. It equally promotes users’ needs and space industry offers. Because of this unique neutrality, Eurisy reaches to downstream niches where other agencies cannot go.
Why join Eurisy?
- Exchange with European stakeholders and get to know their endeavours to promote the use of space-based services in a number of domains
- Collaborate beyond the traditional boundaries of the space community
- Reach out to users communities you would not have thought of
- Hubert Curien Award
- Influence Eurisy’s Agenda and contribute to the transfer of the potential benefits of space to society
- Build recommendations for European and national decision makers
- Get insights on emerging markets, needs and challenges of civil society, and international trends
- Promote your activities through Eurisy’s channels (website, social media, newsletters, and events)
- Boost your achievements and stimulate the space downstream sector
Who can join Eurisy?
All European entities interested in contributing to the exploitation of space-based products and services to benefit society are eligible to become a member of Eurisy.
Find more info on this page.
Contact us for further details on how to join us.

Eurisy Gender Equality Plan
Eurisy adheres to the principles of equal treatment and embraces the principles of gender equality in all its activities. The association promotes gender equality as a fundamental value of the European Union, and it recognises the importance of implementing such value to improve both the quality and relevance of research and innovation in the downstream space sector.
Read the Eurisy Gender Equality Plan and the 2021 report HERE