Since its foundation in 1989, Eurisy has been growing a network of space agencies, international organisations, research institutions, and private businesses involved or interested in space-related activities.
With this initiative Eurisy aims at fostering knowledge and experience sharing among its Members and towards civil society on ways to boost the development and uptake of satellite-based services that respond to societal needs including activities supporting the commercialisation of existing applications.
Indeed, downstream space applications greatly contribute to key areas such as environmental monitoring, maritime activities, telemedicine and emergency management, urban planning, and cultural heritage, among many others.
Eurisy Members are fully aware of the need to anchor space in broader policy frameworks at political, economic and societal levels and are actively engaged in bringing the benefits of space applications down to Earth.
What is the Members' Corner?
The Eurisy Members’ Corner is a series of monthly webinars enabling the exchange of experience and good practice within this network.
Eurisy’s community of space organisations includes a diverse range of entities, from agencies boasting a longstanding record of space activities to newly established endeavours looking for opportunities in this vibrant sector.
Every month one (or more) Eurisy Member has the opportunity to showcase its activities aimed at advancing the development and uptake of satellite applications, from space policy strategies to specific projects in the field.
With this new initiative, Eurisy underlines the importance of its Members. The Members’ Corner will be a tool to bolster the community of space agencies and organisations committed to bridge space and society.
Each Member can conduct the webinar alone or together with another Member, to compare experience or to shape common initiatives.
- Strengthen the links among Eurisy Members
- Boost the visibility of Eurisy Members’ activities
- Enable new collaborations
- Generate dialogue on good practice, successful endeavours, and downstream emerging sectors
- Identify the barriers and showstoppers to the exploitation of satellite-based services
- Stimulate connections and ideas to build upon the solutions presented and overcome the challenges identified.
The themes of the webinars can include, but are not limited to the Eurisy thematic areas of activity:
- Health
- Sustainable Cities
- Maritime Affairs
- Rural Communities
- Cultural Heritage
- Sports
- Education (upcoming theme)
- Arts (upcoming theme)
Upcoming Webinars

Unveiling the value of Earth Observation Data through Art and Creative Education
26 January 2024, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
The Aeronautics and Space Agency (ALR) of the Austrian Reasearch Promotion Agency (FFG) is the docking station to the international aerospace world for Austrian business and science. The agency implements national aerospace policy and represents Austria on international aerospace committees. Austrian representation in the European Space Agency ESA is of special strategic importance in this context. The goal is to strengthen the international standing of Austrian industry, business and science in these key technologies for economic and technological development and to continuously extend the Austrian aerospace cluster. This webinar will focus on Earth Observation applications in the fields of Arts and Education in Austria, providing an overview of related activities and engaging with pertinent actors.
Past Webinars

Focus on the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
24th November 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
EUSPA’s core mission is to implement the EU Space Programme and to provide reliable, safe and secure space-related services, maximising their socio-economic benefits for European society and business. By fostering the development of innovative and competitive upstream and downstream sectors and engaging with the entire EU Space community, EUSPA is driving innovation-based growth in the European economy and contributing to the safety of EU citizens and the security of the Union and its Member States, while at the same time reinforcing the EU’s strategic autonomy.
Focus on the Polish Space Agency (POLSA)
27th October 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
The young Polish Space Agency will showcase their activities to create a competitive national space sector and foster the development of increasingly useful applications downstream.

Catalysing investment to support the growth of the UK space sector
21st July 2023, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
This webinar will focus on how the UK Space Agency helps to catalyse investment to support the growth of the UK space sector.
The Applications Team and Local Growth Team will highlight some of their work in this area through various programmes and activities, including the BASS programme and partnerships with various institutions.
Dr Will Lovegrove, Director of Innovation Strategy at the University of Surrey, will speak about the Space South Central Cluster, the largest regional space cluster in the UK, and plans for future collaborations with the UK Space Agency.

Unveiling the EYWA System: From the challenge…to the solution!
26th May 2023, 11:00 – 13:00 CET
In this webinar, the Operational Unit “BEYOND Center of EO research and satellite remote sensing” of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) presented the EarlY WArning System for Mosquito-borne Diseases (EYWA), developed within the EuroGEO Action Group “Earth Observation for Epidemics of Vector-borne Diseases – EO4EViDence”.
Operational since 2020, EYWA is a game changer in the domain of epidemics: it transforms scientific knowledge into decision-making and contributes significantly to combating and controlling mosquito-borne diseases.
EYWA relies on multiple data sources, including entomological, epidemiological, Earth Observation, crowd, and ancillary geospatial data, and uses dynamic and data-driven models to generate knowledge on the mosquitoes’ abundance and pathogens’ transmission.
In this webinar, public health authorities, emergency managers and concerned communities were presented the EYWA system through concrete use cases.

EO solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation
31th March 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 CET
Not everyone is yet aware of the added value that satellite data can have to better prepare societies to the effects of climate change. The Netherlands Space Office supports companies willing to develop solutions that respond to the emerging needs of public bodies by exploiting data captured by satellites.
In this webinar, four companies benefitting from the NSO innovation programme presented products using satellite data to prevent and manage congestions on the electricity grid, to monitor the health of urban trees, to better prepare to floods, and to support agroforestry.

Monitoring Global Urbanisation from Space – The World Settlement Footprint Initiative
4th November 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
The World Settlement Footprint provides five products that monitor the changing dynamics of urban areas. Such products help policy makers to take informed decisions to make cities more sustainable and resilient to future changes.
The German Aerospace Center – DLR, shared details about the “World Settlement Footprint” suite, developed by their “Smart Cities and Spatial Development” team. This is a collection of global geoinformation layers that helps decision makers in science, economy and policy to effectively realise sustainable and resilient future cities.
The WSF combines satellite Earth observation with machine learning and information and telecommunication technologies to provide assessments and predictions, and even to enable participatory platforms to collect and share information on urban settlements.

Supporting technology transfer for sustainable cities and communities
21st October 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
As the newest associate member of the European Space Agency, the Slovak Space Office intends to leverage on international opportunities to boost the development and use of space-based services locally.
This new webinar co-organised with the Slovak Space Office presented activities and good practices to foster the development of satellite-based services for sustainable cities and communities. The webinar focused on product solutions where satellite data are critical, including the role of hackathons and citythons as a tool for smart solutions for municipalities. The webinar included three presentations on the solutions of two companies that combine in-situ measurements, satellite data, and IoT, and on a university with experience in technology transfer for Earth Observation and smart city solutions.

Supporting research funding for downstream applications
16th September 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Focusing on concrete needs and empowering local administrations are the foundational elements of the strategy of the Malta Council for Science and Technology to develop a competitive space sector.
This webinar presented the Space Research Fund which was established in 2018 through a collaboration between the Malta Council for Science and Technology and the European Space Agency. This fund provides financial support that encourages Research, Development and Innovation in the downstream Earth Observation sector with the scope of tackling societal challenges in Malta. The various public, private and academic institutions that participate in this fund gather expertise in research related to Space applications that will eventually allow Maltese entities to be able to apply for more competitive space-related calls within the EU Framework. This webinar presented examples of the broadly diverse Earth Observation research that is being conducted under this fund.

Downstream applications for the maritime domains
1st July 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Space applications can transform the maritime domains, by providing data and information that will foster a sustainable blue economy, and help protecting the ocean and preserving its resources. CNES wants to be at the forefront of the creation of a global “Sea & Space” strategy that federates public and private stakeholders to put science at the service of society.
The French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) talked about their experience, practices and lessons learned in supporting the development of downstream applications in the maritime domain.

Remote sensing of African Urban Areas
17th June 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Foster the development of innovative applications, bridge the gap between research and real-world needs, and establish international cooperation. This is the formula of the STEREO programme of BELSPO to support research in Earth observation.
The Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) shared their good practices and lessons learned from their activities aimed at using remote sensing of African urban areas for health and vulnerability assessment.
BELSPO presented the results and perspectives from three STEREO-III research projects aimed at enhancing the identification of high-risk areas and help decision-makers to better target interventions to the most in need.

Supporting technology transfer in the transport sector
20th May 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Open doors to foreign partners, connect European and global partners to local companies and look for the hidden potential of the national economy. This is the approach of the Slovak Space Office to enhance the development of the space downstream sector.
The Slovak Space Office presented activities and good practices to foster the development of satellite-based services for the transport sector.
The webinar presented three business success stories from Slovakia, concerning products and services ranging from positioning applications to navigation technologies, and from big data analysis in aerospace to the use of Earth Observation technologies in monitoring and forecasting.

Supporting technical and business innovation through space assets
14th April 2022, 11:00 – 12:00 CET
People, Planet, Profit: this is the formula behind the approach of the Business Applications and Space Solutions (BASS) programme of the European Space Agency.
During the first webinar of the Eurisy Members’ Corner series, Davide Coppola, Business Developer and Project Manager at ESA, provided insights into the support and funding opportunities made available by ESA to private companies of all sizes to integrate space technologies and bring their products to the market.