Copernicus Hackathon “Natural and Cultural Heritage”

Eurisy, the Cork Institute of Technology and the National Space Centre organise the first Copernicus Hackathon on the theme of natural and cultural heritage.
Hackathon participants will be challenged to work online and come up with solutions to help managing, safeguarding and monitoring natural and cultural heritage using Copernicus and Galileo satellite data. The ideas which best meet the needs of entities in charge of managing heritage will be awarded prizes and support to further develop their concepts.
A special prize is dedicated to using Copernicus and Galileo data to cope with the spread and the impacts of COVID-19.
Copernicus is the European Earth Observation (EO) programme run by the European Commission and the European Space Agency.
The Copernicus Hackathon is open to students, entrepreneurs, start-ups, coders, researchers, scientists, EO specialists, storytellers and anyone who is enthusiastic about finding solutions to better manage and safeguard natural and cultural heritage. This Copernicus Hackathon will end up with concrete ideas for projects that could enter into an incubation or acceleration phase.
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Each team will include a maximum of four persons. Hackathon participants are expected to have skills in any of these areas: EO, GIS, thematic areas (i.e. natural and cultural heritage safeguarding, managing and monitoring), data analysis, data visualisation, app development, web service development, graphic design, programming, project management, entrepreneurship, business development, information technology, software development, geomatics, surveys, multimedia and augmented/virtual reality. Anyone with any of these skills is encouraged to register and take part in this exciting and fulfilling experience.
To help you develop your project, a webinar will be organised online on May 18th (register to the hackathon to participate to the webinar). Access to spatial and economic data will be available throughout the event.
Together with other technology enthusiasts and multidisciplinary teams, you will be supported by space, business development and innovation experts to build your project.

The Copernicus Accelerator is a project of the European Commission’s DG Growth, and is part of the Copernicus Start-up Programme, which is designed to accompany start-ups from the generation of a business idea to its full commercialisation.

The Copernicus Accelerator, Rubicon and NSC incubation schemes will be offered to the teams with the best ideas in any of the four challenges.
Special prizes

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