Satellite Applications for the Alps: Search and Rescue


Brixen, Bressanone, Italy


Context and objectives

How can satellite applications benefit search and rescue organisations in the Alps? Eurisy has built a project around this question, based on its experiences from the first edition: Satellite Applications for the Alps, a conference held in Berchtesgaden last year. Then, participating search and rescue services showcased how they currently use satellite applications, and where they see room for improvement.

This project will take forward the conclusions and recommendations of that first meeting and investigate whether our findings apply to search and rescue services in the Alps as a whole.

The project will examine the premise that a critical mass of users can better exploit solutions based on satellite applications together, rather than separately.

How we will go about it

The project will consist of:

1/ a study on user needs for Alpine search and rescue services, where satellite applications may apply
2/ a 2nd edition of Eurisy’s Alps conference focusing on search and rescue. This could be followed by a third, in a third location, as needed.

The study will identify and map the relevant stakeholders, document their needs, and structure how they can benefit from working with each other. It will engage with a critical number of potential users through open-ended interviews. Once their needs are documented, the results and way forward will be discussed by the users themselves accompanied by experts able to translate these needs into requirements, and assist the end-users in building a case for a common solution, if relevant.

The conference will be an opportunity to discuss these results, and consolidate a community of share interests.


The project and cycle of conferences have been initiated and are being carried forward by: