Click on the links below to download the presentations.
Welcome and introductions
Chair: Bruno Gaiddon, Hespul
Morning presentations
Link to presentation of Lyon Confluence, a unique programme in Europe redevelop the southern tip of Lyon’s central peninsula, long devoted to manufacturing and transport.The district has been built in compliance with the energy objectives of the Greated Lyon, that is to cut GHG emissions cut by 20% by 2020, and by 80% by 2050.
Maxime Valentin, SPL, France
Link to presentation of EPICE, an Hespul-developped software enabling users to assess solar energy potential and monitor PV panels thanks to free satellite data.
Marine Joos, Hespul, France
Link to presentation of MHG System, a satnav-based application for biomass management
Sudip Kumar Pal, MHG Systems, Finland
Technical visit of Rhône-Alpes PV system
Visit of the PV system installed on the roof of the headquarters of the Rhône-Alpes Region (Conseil de la Région Rhône-Alpes) followed by a presentation of the Lyon Smart Community project in partnership with the Japanese organisation NEDO
Round table discussion: needs, interest match-making and project ideas
Chair: Teodora Secara, Eurisy
Link to presentation of new INTERREG programme.
Nicolas Singer and Benoît Dalbert, INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat
Participants identify common needs and interests, brainstorm for project ideas and potential partnerships. Financing calls by the EC and (deadline, July 2015) and others will be discussed in light of the interests of the potential partnerships.
Assembly of European Regions Energy Group meeting
Workshop hosts

With the support of

Workshop partners
Co-financed by the ERDF
Made possible by the INTERREG IVC Programme