News and activities
Invitation to attend the Copernicus Regional Meeting
12 December 2023, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm CET, Rennes, France
This event is open to everyone, whatever your level of knowledge of satellite data.
This event will provide an opportunity to meet with space industry players and users, and to find out what’s new on GeoBrittany, how to use the Copernicus Regional application, and what support is available.
The pre-programme is as follows:
Regional Copernicus: your application
- Why a new application?
- How does it work?
- How to display satellite data in mviewer and QGIS?
- Sharing your current uses of the platform
Going further with products and services
- Towards change detection and monitoring services [Hytech imaging] [Kermap]
- Which products for which scale? [Someware]
- Cross-referencing data to make Sentinel 2 images speak for themselves [LETG Rennes]
- How to display multi-temporal data? [Institu agro Rennes Angers]
What support for your projects?
- Presentation of IRISPACE and support for remote sensing players
- Presentation of AMI France 2030
The meeting program (in French) is available under the following link:
Journée Copernicus Régional – programme
To register, please click here
Connect by CNES: NewSpace responds to major territorial challenges
21 September 2023, 9:00 – 22:00 CET

Would you like to discover the potential of space-derived services and data for the operational missions of your institution or local authority? Whether your activity is linked to urban planning, technical services, ISD/GIS, risk management and security or any other relevant operational department, you are most certainly concerned.
Earth observation: regional planning, water resource management, air and water pollution, urban planning, heat island management…
Telecommunications: global connectivity in white zones, solutions for connected objects, managing the digital divide…
Geolocation / Navigation (GNSS): Fleet management, HR and equipment, participative solutions, guiding users to points of interest…
This event was designed specifically for local authorities and associated structures by Connect By Cnes in partnership with the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis and with the support of SAFE Cluster.
The aim of this event is to present how earth observation data is used in France. It will also provide an opportunity to present the AppliSat initiative, which brings together the national community of public-sector users of spatial data.
One of the main goals of the event is to show local players how space can help them meet five new challenges: monitoring urban tree growth, managing isolated sensors related to the environment or other issues, assessing the risk of collapsing buildings, detection of litter, help with water resource management.
For more information, visit this link.
To register, please click here
Copernicus Connection launch event
3 July 2023, 11 am – 12 pm CET

Don’t miss the chance to know how you can profit from the Copernicus Connection!
The launch event of the Copernicus Connection project will present the objectives, activities and partners of the project to public and private organisations and explain how these can profit from it.
To register, click here
Chair: Grazia Fiore, Eurisy
11:00 – 11:15 Welcome and introductions
- Robin Faivre, French Space Agency (CNES), Overview of project objectives, activities, and target audiences
- Seraphine Luneau, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Introduction to the Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement (FPCUP) and involvement of German Local and Regional Authorities in Copernicus Connection
11:15 – 11:50 Presentation of the actions by the project partners
- Grazia Fiore, Eurisy, Our project website and social media pages
- Nadine Tholey, Regional Image Processing and Remote Sensing Service (SERTIT), Copernicus for cross-border territorial planning
- Nicolas Bellec, IRISPACE, Training and access to Copernicus data on Brittany for public and private entities interested in territorial management
11:30 – 11:35 Q&A
- Catalina Rodriguez, Aerospace Valley, Copernicus Connection – Bridging the gap between buyers and suppliers
- Sophie Cordillet, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, Copernicus City Award Initiative
- Eleonora Gorobivschi, SafeCluster, Organisation of a regional workshop in the Sud-PACA region on available resources and use cases to LRAs and identification of SMEs and public end users participating to the workshop
11:50 – 11:55 Q&A
11:55 – 12:00 Conclusions and wrap-up
- Robin Faivre, CNES
This action is supported by the European Union’s Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP) under grant agreement No FPA 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042, 2021-2-13, Fostering the uptake of Copernicus by Local and Regional Authorities through user engagement and sharing of transnational experiences, SGA#20. The action is overseen by CNES in the frame of the “Connect-by-CNES” programme.