Kicking Off the UDENE Project in Ankara

From 12th to 14th of February, UDENE consortium met in Ankara, Turkey for the kick-off the new project.
Focused on U(rban) D(evelopement) E(xplorations) using N(atural) E(xperiments) the project gathers 9 partners, from 6 countries including Tunisia, Turkey, Serbia, Italy, France, and Slovenia, to build sustainable urban environments and address the challenges posed by increasing urbanisation and the effects of climate change.

UDENE’s main goal is to provide urban visionaries and developers with a virtual laboratory to test the impacts of their assumptions. The Exploration Tool (ET), one of the major project results, will provide scenario-based projections derived from Copernicus Earth Observation (EO) data complemented by relevant in-situ observations. It will be complemented by a Matchmaking Tool (MT) that will promote the uptake of European space-based offers and competencies and connect end-users to relevant products, solutions, services and applications from the European space sector.
Setting the bases for the collaboration to come, this three-days meeting was a wonderful opportunity for participants to get to know each other and to exchange on the future developments of the project.
Read and download the press release now!
Funded through the HORIZON Europe 2022 Space calls managed by EUSPA, the project will last until January 2026.
Follow the activities on the project on the dedicated social platforms, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2023 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101131190.