Eurisy Members’ Corner: Focus on the BEYOND Center of EO research and satellite remote sensing

The EarlY WArning System for Mosquito-borne Diseases (EYWA) was developed in the context of the EuroGEO Action Group "Earth Observation for Epidemics of Vector-borne Diseases - EO4EViDence". EYWA is a game changer in the domain of epidemics. The solution enhances mosquito surveillance and control at various spatio-temporal scales and in different climatic zones, and guides day-to-day prevention and mitigation actions. EYWA significantly reduces the entomological risk and results in the aversion of human cases in thousands of villages where it is employed.

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The strengthening of the health sector after the COVID-19 outbreak

The COVID-19 emergency is pressuring the healthcare sector and the practice of medicine all around the world. In this tough period, it is important to cast light on the unprecedented challenges posed in the hospitals to avoid putting at risk those swathes of the population (elderlies, immunocompromised, multi-pathological patients, etc.), that might be most vulnerable to the transmission of the virus. In this difficult context, telemedicine appears as a promising option for both patients and the whole sector.

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Call for space assets in response to COVID-19

In our previous article “What we can learn from the Coronavirus crisis with satellite data”, we illustrated how space-enabled solutions contribute their share in the fight against this pandemic, and what satellite data tell us about the extraordinary current situation. We now hope that this overview of satellite applications may serve as inspiration in order to participate in the ongoing open calls that we list here.

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Eurisy’s Monthly Faves

Eurisy's Monthly Faves: SeptemberEach month Eurisy comes across several new examples on how space and satellite technology can be used to improve life on Earth. Here are some of our favourites from September.

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