
Satellite applications take-up in Europe: an analysis of three cases with regional authorities

Case study observations confirm that the merits of the technology alone, and a technology-driven approach does not necessarily convince the user to adopt this new technology. Similarly, top-down measures to stimulate take-up are not sufficient unless they are accompanied by grassroots support to the potential end-users in their appropriation of these tools. Such support should be based on a better understanding of their operational needs and the economic realities on the field. Cooperation between early adopters and potential end-users on a peer-to-peer level, relationships between potential end-users and technologists that are based on a real business case for service use as opposed to service development, as well as political drive on all levels, including sub-national, are all crucial factors in bringing about the kind of social change that translates an effective penetration of the satellite services within society. Paper presented at the International Astronautical Congress 2012.